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artritis en gatos, anxious cat standing up in agressive position

¿Cómo sé que mi gato tiene artritis?

Artrose komt vaak voor bij oudere katten en kan leiden tot pijn en stijfheid in de gewrichten. Leer hoe je de symptomen kunt herkennen en hoe je de levenskwaliteit van je kat kunt verbeteren met eenvoudige aanpassingen en zorgmaatregelen

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ansiedad en gatos, young light grey kitten with blue eyes laying on the ground staring at something

¿Cómo sé que mi gato tiene ansiedad?

Anxiety in cats is a common issue that can significantly affect their behavior and overall well-being. Recognizing the symptoms—such as excessive meowing, hiding, and aggression—is crucial for timely intervention. This guide explores the main signs of anxiety in cats, potential causes, and effective solutions to help your furry friend feel more comfortable and secure in their environment. With the right support, you can help your cat overcome anxiety and lead a happier, healthier life.

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